Back Mountain Memorial Library

A member of the Luzerne County Library System

96 Huntsville Road

Dallas, PA 18612


Mon – Thurs:

9:00am - 8:00pm


9:00am - 5:00pm


9:00am - 4:00pm

PH:  570-675-1182

FAX:  570-674-5863

Free Online Books

& Audiobooks

Link, App Icon for cloudLibrary, Text: cloudLibrary™ By Bibliotheca, Download The App Today, Cloudy Sky, Book, Tablet, Swirling Cloud of Colored Dots Connecting the Book and Tablet

Check out our free eBook service!

You will need a library card for Luzerne County.

Here’s what you need to get started:


1) Download the cloudLibrary app from the App Store on your mobile device or computer. You can click on the image at left, or go to, to choose your app and get started. Once the app is downloaded, and you have your library card, you can set up an account in the app in a few easy steps!


2) First, open the app. The first screen will ask you to select a language. Scroll to your preferred language and tap anywhere on the screen.


3) Next you will have to select your Country, State, and County Library System. Scroll to select, and tap on each selection.

For Country ~ United States

For State/Region ~ Pennsylvania

For Library ~ Luzerne County Library System


4) Click Next. You will have to accept the user agreement to continue.


5) Next, tap on the selection for Library Card ID, type in your library card number, and tap on Login.


You have now set up your cloudLibrary account! You can swipe through the introduction screens or tap Skip to continue.


Tap on Search at the bottom of your screen to access the available library.

At the top of the Search screen are 3 options: Featured, Favorites, and All.

Featured offers top picks in multiple categories, scroll up to see all options.

Favorites allows you to select your reading preferences. Tap Let’s Go to begin the selection process, then select from the options presented.

All offers all titles available by genre.


You can begin downloading your choice immediately by clicking on Checkout, or if the item is not yet available, tap Hold to place the title on hold. If it is available, but you do not want to check it out immediately, you can tap Save For Later.

Additional Resources

Click on the titles for direct links to the selected website.



Free downloadable AUDIOBOOKS created by volunteer readers of public domain works.


Link Button For Free Library of Philadelphia

Free Library of Philadelphia

The website for the Free Library of Philadelphia. Its programs, resources, services, eBook, and eAudiobook collection are available to the public at no charge to anyone with a card for their local Pennsylvania library. Once on the website, click on Get a Library Card in the upper right corner of the screen to fill out the online application or print a paper application to mail in.

Link Button For EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks

Select from over 16,000 eBooks from the world's leading publishers across all major subject areas. Perform full text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online. Select eBooks can be downloaded to portable devices.

Link Button For Gale eBooks

Gale eBooks

Explore encyclopedias and specialized reference sources on a variety of topics from history, government, environment, math, and more!

Link Button For ProQuest eBook Central

ProQuest eBook Central

This resource includes 112 titles on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cover subjects such as business, education, fine arts, history, political science, social science, juvenile literature, and sports and recreation.

Link Button For eBook Collection

eBook Collection

Search 3 POWER Library eBook collections at once! eBook Collection searches the eBooks available in EBSCO eBooks, GALE eBooks, and ProQuest eBook Central. Simply type the title or subject you’re looking for in the search bar and click the search icon or hit enter.

This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the US Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Managed by Hosting Solutions & Library Consulting (HSLC).


Free online literature with over 2000 classics of fiction, drama, poetry, short stories + reference, bios, book notes.


"A comprehensive anthology and guide to English literature of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Seventeenth Century, Restoration and Eighteenth Century."

Making of America (University of Michigan)

"A digital library of primary sources in 19th-century American social history from the antebellum period through Reconstruction...The collection currently contains approximately 10,000 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. For more details about the project, see About MoA. Making of America is made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation."

There are more than 29,000 downloadable eBooks available for Kindle, Nook, iPad, and most other eReaders, and they're all free!

Online Books Page

University of Pennsylvania directory with over 1 million free books on the Web.

Perseus Digital Library

Tufts University collection of Greek, Roman, Arabic, Germanic, Renaissance, and 19th century American texts.

Project Gutenberg

"Offers over 38,000 free eBooks: choose among free ePub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online."

Children’s eBooks

International Children's Digital Library

Nonprofit foundation whose mission includes "making the best in children's literature available online free of building a digital library of outstanding children's books from around the world and supporting communities of children and adults in exploring and using this literature through innovative technology."

Link Button For Cricket Media Collection

Cricket Media Collection

This collection includes hundreds of eBooks from renowned family publisher Cricket Media. It can help build strong literacy skills in students from grades pre-K to 8 by offering digital access to award winning, short form fiction and nonfiction titles. This unique eBook collection explores a wide range of subjects to help young readers explore and expand their worlds.

Link Button For BookFLIX


Watch videos and read books about Animals and Nature, Earth and Sky, People and Places, ABCs and 1, 2, 3s, Family and Community, Music and Rhyme, Adventure, and more. Enjoy read aloud with words highlighting and interactive games. Some films and books are available in Spanish too!

Link Button For TrueFLIX


Learn about people, places, nature, history, and science from videos and eBooks on topics such as American Indians, Ancient Civilizations, Farm to Table, The Civil War, Continents, The Thirteen Colonies, US Government, Disasters, Earth Science, Experiments, Extreme Science, Nature, and many more.